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3d, SOFTWARE / 06 Apr 2022
The world of Matrix… UE5 + Houdini
The whole matrix world was made with Houdini… and I think we live in a matrix, so we live inside Houdini… I knew it! 🙂
State of Unreal Keynote
Ready for what’s next? Don’t miss the Epic Games keynote for some very special Unreal Engine news
The Matrix Awakens: Generate a World
Find out how Epic Games procedurally generated the city for The Matrix Awakens demo using a combination of Unreal Engine-native procedural tools and a game-changing new Houdini workflow. They’ll dive into the different construction steps and technical challenges that they faced along the way.
The Matrix Awakens: Creating a World
Discover how Epic’s Special Projects team leveraged UE5 to create the environment in The Matrix Awakens. They’ll cover the modular procedural approach to building creation; Open World workflows (One File Per Actor, Data Layers, HLODs, level instancing); lookdev breakdowns of materials and texturing; and updates on improvements to Lumen, their global illumination and reflections system.

City Sample

The City Sample is a free downloadable sample project that reveals how the city scene from The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience was built. The project—which consists of a complete city with buildings, vehicles, and crowds of MetaHuman characters—demonstrates how Epic Games used new and improved systems in Unreal Engine 5 to create the experience. In addition to the complete sample, the content is available in separate packs, so you can download just the vehicles, for example.


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